Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Mask

Hi Folks,
I thought this photograph might add meaning to Charlie's recent Nina Simone choice. Ann


  1. Wow that looks very confining. How long does he have to be still? Can he listen to music? He looks like a character from a Marvel superhero comic.

    1. Doug, I get to keep the mask after the thirty days are done. They showed me a book today of how people have decorated their masks - many, many photographs. You'd have loved it!

    2. fill the mask with starting soil and make a "Charlie Chia Pet" ;-)

    3. Mardi Gras mask? Decorate!

    4. Mardi Gras mask? Decorate!

    5. Charlie! Can't wait to see what you make with the mask. As always, your music share was welcomed. Can never get enough Nina. You're heavy in my mind lately. Sending you and yours loads of love.

  2. Wow, that's some piece of equipment! We agree with Doug--you definitely have your superhero look working for you:)

  3. Yes, I have to be really still. Like don't move millimeters still. On Monday, it was for 25 minutes as they were sighting in the mask as well as administering the radiation. Today (Tuesday), getting me all aligned with the lasers was fairly quick (10 minutes) as was the radiation (5 minutes). They have Sirius FM piped into the room so I can listen to any of what that has to offer. It's just hard to get the car into the room with all the machines! (Joke).

  4. You'll have to think of a name for your superhero Char! Keep up the good work!
    Hugs to you and Ann!!!

  5. Thanks Ann for posting this remarkable photo. The Magnitude of it.
    These beautiful sunny days are so welcome. Every window offers a fresh light - from my dazed backyard trees & tangle to the flood of southern warmth gathering in the leeward branches where the nut-tree squirrels flatten out to take the cure.
    Your back yard must be offering a sweet retreat. Flowers yet? lots o' love, xoxMax
